3 Pidgens

Three pidgens from Long Island City. Love the composition here.

Desert Landscapes

These are two more landscapes that I took on my way through the desert last January. The black and white image is from the small town of Searchlight, NV and the other is from the shoreline of the Salton Sea.


Evidence of Extreme Violence - This triptych was compiled on my last road trip in the Mojave Desert. Somewhere, on the outskirts of Las Vegas, I came upon this violent and unsettling scene.

Sex Workers

These 4 photographs were part of a series that I shot on strangers last year. I was invited to take some photographs of dominatrix at their place of work Downtown. It was a first for me but the women were very sweet and the experience yielded some really great portraits. The first image is shot with Fuji Instant Film and the other 3 are digital.


Polaroid portraits of myself and Lexi the last time we went out to the Hamptons.

Flea Market Portrait

The last time I was in North Florida I went to a flea market and snapped this photograph. The flea market just outside of Daytona Beach is a great place to people watch and provides an opportunity to get some really interesting portraits.

Still life Series

I couldn't decide which photograph to use so I put all 5 images of burned matches up. I guess I created a little sub-series in doing so.

Photos from my neighborhood

These images were taken around my neighborhood in Long Island City, Queens.

Still life Series

I started a new still life series that revolvs around trash and found items in my neighborhood in Long Island City, Queens. Above are just a few of those random items. I will post more when I finish the retouching.


This triptych series was also created the last time I was in Los Angeles.


This is a triptych of a sword swollower that I took the last time I was in Los Angeles.

Opening Post

I have decided to start a blog in order to post some photographs that I normally wouldn't put on my website (www.nickparisse.com). Images on this site will be rather diverse in subject matter and include portraits, street scenes, still lifes and photographs from other photographers.

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