South Africa Portraits

I spent 13 days in and around Cape Town, South Africa and was able to capture these portraits.  The country was beautiful and I'll post some landscapes in the coming days.

In the land of England

A few portraits from the 60 hours I spent in London.


Styled by Gina Marie Barbaro

Raised On Rock

Styled by Gina Marie Barbaro

Editorial shot with Gina Marie

Gina Marie Barbaro styled this shoot.  

The Honeymoon: Part 2

A week in Rome.  In short, the best week of food ever, I made it to the motherland, we walked 1000 miles and the action was hittin'!

The Honeymoon: Part 1

A week on Crete exploring the Minoan Ruins, driving around the island and swimming in the Aegean.

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